This past weekend, on June 3rd, we were excited to have great conditions and a stellar turnout for our monthly cleanup dive. We had 23 amazing volunteers show up to our adopted dive site, Point Panic. Conditions were great and visibility was pretty good for what we are used to for this location.

Diver’s surfaced with big smiles and mesh bags full of trash. Some items recovered were too big for the bags such as tires and a large metal chair frame. Divers also reported seeing more fish and life than they have seen on previous dives at Point Panic.

After a great morning of diving fueled by friendship, love of the ocean, donuts, and Mom’s special pepperoni bread, we brought back 260 total pounds of trash! We took time to sort items into separate piles to allow for counting and logging the data into PADI Aware. We also carefully inspected items removed for signs of life. We safely returned a small crab, a sea urchin, and a fire worm to the ocean. Some notable items removed were 3 tires, a chair frame, and a flare.

As always, we could not do this without the support and help from the volunteers who showed up. We really appreciate each person who took time out of their weekend to help make a difference for our ocean. We hope to see you at our next cleanup for Women’s Dive Day on July 15th! Mahalo!
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