In the spirit of giving back to the ocean that provides us with so much beauty and recreation, we hosted our monthly cleanup dive, a special holiday edition, in collaboration with Trident Adventures.

Saturday, December 16th, 2023, was a sunny day that seemed to sparkle with the festive spirit. Twenty-six dedicated volunteers gathered at Point Panic Beach Park, eager to make a positive impact on the underwater world. The collaboration with Trident Adventures added an extra layer of excitement and expertise to the event, enhancing the overall experience for both volunteers and the environment.

What set this cleanup dive apart was the holiday twist. As volunteers geared up to remove trash from the ocean floor, the check-in table turned into a festive hub. Sweet treats were shared among participants, adding a delightful touch to the cleanup efforts. To everyone’s surprise, Santa himself made a special appearance, spreading cheer and encouraging the volunteers in their mission.

The cleanup dive kicked off with a quick briefing, emphasizing safety and the importance of preserving the marine ecosystem. Divers, ranging from beginners to seasoned enthusiasts, eagerly descended into the turquoise waters, equipped with bags and tools to collect debris that has found its way into the ocean.

Trident Adventures course director David posing with Scuba Santa

Volunteers were delighted to spot SCUBA Santa underwater. After a quick photo, the divers headed out in different directions to look for trash with hopes of awesome marine life encounters too. The diversity of marine life in the area meant that volunteers encountered not only discarded plastic and debris but also witnessed the resilience of the ocean ecosystem. The experience served as a stark reminder of the impact our actions can have on marine life and the crucial need for ongoing conservation efforts!

Santa scuba diving and giving a shaka sign with his right hand
Scuba Santa underwater giving a shaka with a volunteer during the Nudi Wear and Trident Adventures cleanup
SCUBA Santa and volunteer diver posing underwater with shakas at the Nudi Wear cleanup dive

After only an hour, the efforts of the 26 volunteers had yielded an impressive result. A staggering 342 pounds of trash were successfully removed from the ocean, contributing to the ongoing commitment to keep Point Panic pristine.

All the items collected were sorted into piles of like items, counted, and then logged with PADI Aware.

The most frequently removed items were 135 glass bottles, 134 lead fishing weights, 49 aluminum cans, 30 plastic bottles, 22 food wrappers, 6 pieces of clothing, and a seemingly endless amount of fishing line.

Some of the more unusual items found were a plastic serving tray, 2 wine glasses, a hairbrush, an old TV and remote, a painter’s tray, a plastic safety mask, and a metal “No Parking” sign.

Nudi Wear & Trident volunteer divers pose with Santa and all the trash spread out on the ground that was removed during the cleanup dive
SCUBA Santa poses with Nudi Wear volunteer holding a plastic try and 3 glasses found while cleaning up the ocean
Heaps of trash on a tarp removed by divers during the Nudi Wear and Trident Adventures cleanup with Scuba Santa
A TV among a pile of trash removed during the Nudi Wear and Trident Adventures cleanup at Point Panic
trash on the ground on a tarp that was removed from the ocean during the Nudi Wear cleanup dive with santa

Events like these not only make a tangible difference in the cleanliness of our oceans but also foster a sense of community among like-minded individuals. After the cleanup, Nudi Wear and Trident Adventures volunteers gathered for a moment of reflection while looking at the heaps of debris removed from our ocean. The success of the cleanup dive highlighted the power of collective action and the positive impact that can be achieved when a community comes together with a shared goal.

These monthly cleanup dives continue to be a beacon of environmental stewardship, reminding us that even in paradise, there’s work to be done to ensure the health and vitality of our oceans. With each dive, the community reaffirms its commitment to preserving the beauty beneath the waves, making a lasting impact that extends far beyond the shores of Hawaii. If you live on Oahu or are planning to visit, we hope you will join us at an upcoming cleanup! Visit our events page for more information.